Beautiful Water
Home Water Filter Systems
Upgrading the Quality of your Drinking and Bathing Water is the simplest, cheapest and most effective way to upgrade your health, beauty and the quality of all life around you.

Removes 99.99% Toxins
The interior of every tiny pore in our state-of-the-art filter technology is entirely coated with electrical charges, which generate intersecting electric fields of great intensity, effectively eradicating viruses and other microorganisms.
Removes Heavy Metails
Eliminates lead, copper, manganese, iron, and even tiny amounts of harmful metals, and has also been show to remove radioactive substances.
Removes Chlorine
Activated with carbon and ion-exchange to effectively remove chlorine, disinfection byproducts, turbidity, coloration, foreign odours and tastes.
Fast Flow Rate
Our whole house system can provide enough filtered water to have 3 showers and a kitchen dishwasher working at once!
Protects your Appliances
Eliminates harmful substances, debris and deposits, ensuring that your household appliances are free from dust, corrosion and blockages caused by buildup and scale.
Hot and Cold Water
It is suitable for the gentle mechanical filtration of hot and cold water, effectively eliminating all suspended particles and safeguarding household systems.
Intentional Design
Beautiful Water designs are inspired by flowforms, and sacred geometry, imbuing positive thought and intention to the water being filtered.
No Storage Tank Needed
Our Home water filter systems filter the water flowing through your tap, so they do not require a storage tank, leaving the water to flow freely as it does in nature.

Endorsed by leading global epidemiology and toxicity labs.

Home Water Filter Range
About Our Home Water Filter Systems
Beautiful Water Systems are a unique combination of timeless wisdom and advanced science.
Installing a Whole Home water filter enables you to have the highest quality freshly filtered water from every water outlet in your house. The system can be fitted by any licensed plumber by seamlessly connecting the filtration system to your primary water pipe coming into the building. This contributes to better health and well-being for your family, by having clean, pure water to drink and bathe in.
Our Home Water Filter Systems use a variety of filtration methods to purify water, such as mechanical filtration, activated carbon, direct absorption, and electric adsorption.
Additionally, a unique ion-exchange media with bacteriostatic silver is used to reduce microbial contamination.
These technologies effectively remove chlorine, disinfection by-products, pesticides, PFAS, pharmaceuticals, volatile organic compounds, micro plastics, endocrine disrupting and obesogenic compounds, heavy metals, radioactive isotopes, and sediment particles down to 0.5 microns.
Viruses, spores, cysts, and bacteria are eliminated, making the water microbiologically safe without the need for boiling.
Structured water refers to a type of water that has a unique molecular arrangement. In structured water, the individual water molecules are organised in a specific way, forming clusters or patterns that are distinct from those found in ordinary, unstructured water.
The molecular structure of structured water is thought to be influenced by a variety of factors, including temperature, pressure, and the presence of dissolved substances such as minerals and salts.
Structured water is believed to have unique physical and chemical properties that make it different from ordinary water, including improved hydration, greater stability, and a higher energy state.
This revolutionary water filter system from Beautiful Water Systems is designed to provide maximum protection against toxins, and chemicals. Its unique design utilises natural filtration methods to reduce the level of acidity in your water, creating a more balanced pH.
This system retains essential minerals to provide water with a more balanced ionic structure.
Beautiful Water Systems combine the best of ancient wisdom and modern science to create sacred vessels for water filtration. Our products are designed with intention and infused with blessings, making them powerful tools for purifying and balancing water.
The water is filtered as it is flowing rather than being stored in a tank, this can cause the water to lose vibrancy. So our systems allow the water to flow freely just as nature does

Our skin is the largest organ of our bodies, and has a very important microbiome that can be damaged by chlorine, and other chemicals commonly found in tap water.
This is why it is vital for your overall health to not only drink the highest quality water, but to also bathe in it.
Home Water Filter Systems FAQs
The Beautiful Water ion-exchange/eco-polymer filter system has the capacity to filter approximately 300,000 litres of water (depending on the source water quality), providing an average family of 5 with clean water for at least one year.
Unlike other filtration systems that may allow contaminants to pass through when they have reached the end of their useful life, the Beautiful Water system does not release any contaminants.
Instead, when the filter cartridge is full, it simply reduces the water pressure. Thus, the cartridge can be replaced based on its actual condition, which is related to the quality of the source water and the volume of water filtered, rather than on a predetermined schedule or volume.
Alternatively, you can use a simple protocol involving flushing the filter cartridge with citric acid and bicarbonate soda to clean and regenerate the cartridge. This method can restore 80-90% of the filter cartridge capacity, thereby delaying the need to purchase a new cartridge and saving you money.
The Beautiful Water Systems utilises a combination of mechanical filtration, direct absorption, ion-exchange, and activated carbon to effectively remove a wide range of contaminants, including heavy metals, pesticides, PFAS, pharmaceutical residues, volatile organic compounds, microplastics, and various forms of microbial contamination, including viruses, spores, and bacteria, as well as chlorine and its disinfection by-products. However, it should be noted that fluoride cannot be removed by these filtration methods.
Although high doses of fluoride can be neurotoxic, its small ion size makes it difficult to effectively remove from water using traditional filtration methods.
Distillation, reverse osmosis, and activated alumina are the only technologies that can effectively remove fluoride, but they have very slow flow rates, remove all minerals from the water, waste a significant amount of water, and require regular maintenance.
The Beautiful Water Home Water Filter Systems are designed to fit into standard water mains and can be easily removed and taken with you if you move. We recommend that a plumber or handyman who is comfortable with connecting standard mains pressure plumbing fittings performs the installation.
Reverse Osmosis systems are not designed to filter water at a rate suitable for bathing and therefore require a storage tank, which means your water sits (no flow).
These systems waste a significant amount of water and require regular maintenance.
Reverse Osmosis systems remove essential minerals from water and may alter the water's natural structure.
To ensure that the filtered water contains essential minerals and maintains its natural structure, we recommend that users of Reverse Osmosis systems remineralize the water using ceramic beads or restructuring the water with a device such as the Beautiful Water Enhancer Flowform Generator.
Yes, our filters effectively remove viruses, bacteria, pathogens, cysts etc. making your non-town water safe to drink and bathe in.
The countertop system simply connects to your kitchen tap. It can be connected and removed very easily and does not require access to pipework.
No, when it is time to replace your water filter cartridge, the water flow rate will simply slow down. Then you can either purchase a replacement filter or you can clean and regenerate it yourself.